Set in a Victorian garden, The Little Gnome is a heartwarming tale about an adorable garden gnome experiencing the wonder of the four seasons for the first time. When summer changes to Fall and then to Winter, the Little Gnome learns to look for the good in change. The enchanting story helps kids of all ages embrace change while learning about the seasons.
The Little Gnome is the perfect gift for the special children in your life who are facing changes such as moving, starting a new school, marriage, divorce, new siblings, struggling with peer pressure, and more.
The Little Gnome won a Gold Medal for Best K-3rd Fable in the Readers Favorite International Book Awards and was awarded the Gold Mom s Choice Award honoring the best in family friendly entertainment.
Sheri Fink is an inspirational speaker, #1 best-selling author, mermaid who believes in magic, and president of Whimsical World. Sheri is best known for her beloved children's books, The Little Rose, The Little Unicorn, The Little Dragon, The Little Gnome, The Little Firefly, The Little Seahorse, Exploring the Garden with the Little Rose, Counting Sea Life with the Little Seahorse, and World of Whimsy with the Little Unicorn.
Whimsical World is an empowering brand created by #1 best-selling authors and inspirational speakers, Sheri Fink and Derek Taylor Kent. Whimsical World’s mission is to inspire, delight, and educate children of all ages while planting seeds of self-esteem and high achievement.
Sheri loves to write (eleven books so far!) and travels the world inspiring audiences of all ages to believe in themselves, dream bigger dreams, and take action to live their best lives. CBS Los Angeles selected her as one of the top 3 authors in her local area, a distinction she shares with Dean Koontz. Sheri’s books have been honored with multiple awards, including 3 gold medals in the Readers Favorite International Book Awards. She is a recipient of the prestigious Gold Mom’s Choice Award, honoring the best in family-friendly entertainment. Discover more at