DEARLY BELOVED is the complete collection of Constance Kent’s Foundling Brides of Brooklyn novella series. Set in 1890, New York's Gilded Age, four orphaned women raised in Brooklyn Foundling Home are plucked out of poverty to be joined in matrimony to four rich, handsome, and clever men with unexpected results.
Set in New York, Newport, Maine and Long Island, lovers of Gilded Age romance will enjoy this warm, light-hearted romantic collection.
Author, mother, and binge-watcher of exciting episodic television. In finding her romance-footing, Miss Kent has hopped from small town romantic comedy set in 1987 to an erotic medieval romance series set in the time of King John. This was followed by a steamy series of Victorian gothic romance and suspense. She is currently at work on an historical mystery romance series set in 1918 Maine.