Embark on an extraordinary journey through Indian mythology with Ashwatthama, a legendary character from the epic Mahabharata, in this captivating 20-ebook series. Explore the rich tapestry of history, mythology, and fantasy as Ashwatthama's long lifespan and mythical background unfold across each installment. From his miraculous birth and upbringing under the tutelage of his father, Drona, to receiving the boon of immortality from Lord Shiva, delve into his adventures, friendships, and pivotal role in the Kurukshetra War. Discover themes of loyalty, betrayal, love, and the profound consequences of immortality as Ashwatthama navigates the complexities of his destiny amidst gods, demons, and epic battles. Ideal for fans of ancient epics and timeless tales, this series promises an unforgettable exploration of courage, honor, and the enduring power of myth.