Miyuki Miyabe’s bestselling mystery opens with a gruesome discovery in a Tokyo park, followed by an anonymous call to a TV station. As the police investigation gets underway, surprising turns of events suggest they may be up against a band of serial killers who ruthlessly manipulate their victims and their families, the police, and the media for the entertainment of the viewing public. With penetrating psychological insights into the minds of her characters and vivid portrayals of modern-day Tokyo, Miyabe maintains the tension in this fast-paced, five-volume blockbuster.
Available in e-book format in five separate volumes, to be released from December 2014 through February 2016.
Other works in English by Miyuki Miyabe:
All She Was Worth
Shadow Family
The Devil’s Whisper
The Dragon Sleeps
Praise for Miyabe:
“A window into contemporary Japanese life.”
?San Francisco Chronicle
“Enormously compelling… combining expert pacing and psychological nuance to ultimately haunting effect.”
?Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Miyabe is a subtle observer of a country on the cusp. Her American readers can only hope for more chances to see through her eyes.”
?The Los Angeles Times
“Absorbing…an artful blending of puzzle-solving and social commentary.”
?Washington Post