In “Silent Desire” we accompany an extraordinary, mysterious young woman. Thanks to the inheritance from an unknown patron, she lives a modest life in her own city apartment in a sleepy small town. The enchanting young beauty lives the life of a dreamy artist, isolated and shy. She draws and paints all day long, trying to escape reality.
She longs for tender touch and eroticism, which she expresses unbridled in her numerous pictures and drawings. She loves to draw girls in pantyhose being pampered by strong men. She loves the feeling of caressing her skin through thin pantyhose or a bodystocking.
Growing up in a monastery, Juliette was sworn to silence for years, but untamed longings and forbidden fantasies simmer beneath the surface. Her passion for drawing and wearing pantyhose are her secret expression of her innermost desires.
But when she meets a mysterious, older man who awakens her hidden passions, she begins a journey of fulfilling her deepest desires. In this man‘s arms she experiences sensual climaxes that turn her world upside down.
But will she ever end her silence?
“Silent Desire” is an erotic novel about desire, love and the search for one’s own identity. A story that explores the limits of desire and brings to light the most secret fantasies. A captivating work about the power of passion and freedom from inner constraints. Immerse yourself in a world of silence and the irrepressible desire of a young woman.