The American Quilt Series

Latest release: November 21, 2009
American · Romance · Historical

About this ebook series

Johanna Shelby could never have anticipated where that "fateful encounter" would lead her. She could not have known then how love for the young, rough-hewn, mountain doctor would cause her to turn her back on her privileged lifestyle, threaten to estrange her from her family, and bring her to the wild mountains of Appalachia. If she had known . . . But no! Nothing could hold her back. Not her adoring, worried parents. Not her snooty, so-called "friends." Not even her own flashes of doubt and fear. No, this love would not be denied. It was part of a larger pattern -like the pattern of one of the family quilts her aunts and cousins met weekly to stitch. Into those quilts went not just fabric, but meanings and memories; and when they were finished, the were more than just quilts- they were life stories. Johanna did not know what the future held. But she trusted God. . . And she knew that he would cause her own family quilt to be rich and beautiful -a pattern like no other.