A Hairy Tail

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Please note: this is a novelette. Short fiction is a fun and quick read, not a full length novel.

In the first installment of the Hairy Tail Series, Hannah needed a project to get her through the long summer. Signing up at the local animal shelter, she finds exactly what she needs in the sad, lost dog Basil.

She sets her sights on finding his owner, promising him he would be reunited with his family. What she didn’t anticipate was being distracted by her gorgeous co-volunteer, Harry.

Overcoming her inner shyness, Hannah needs to reel in Harry the hottie, find Basil’s owner, and try to be a normal teenager for her mother. And do all this before the summer ends.

Love, paws, and fur balls abound in this fun short story that is bound to make your tail wag.

Also available on the Hairy Tail Series:

A Hairy Tail
A Hairy Tail 2
A Hairy Tail 3
A Hairy Tail 4
A Hairy Tail Collection (All first 4 stories in one place)
Another Hairy Tail
Another Hairy Tail 2

Another Hairy Tail 3

Another Hairy Tail 4

Another Hairy Tail Collection (All last 4 stories in one place)