Dragons Vs Angels

2 books

II's been fifty years since the war began. Dragons invaded the land, and humanity had no way to defend itself. After all this time, and with the help of a legion of angels, humans have gradually reclaimed the planet. But it will only be for a short while...

William Kornivel is a young man who spends his days in his village, harvesting and helping his mother in any way he can. But he longs to be a dragon hunter like his father and join the Dragon Defense Brigade to help bring peace back to the planet.

On his seventeenth birthday, despite his mother's pleas, he decides to enlist in the brigade to begin his training as a hunter. However, what he doesn't know is that this decision will change the course of the war, not only because of the significance of the Kornivel name to those in the brigade but also because of the great power that William carries in his blood.

"Dragons vs. Angels: The Fifty-Year War" is the beginning of a new saga filled with adventures and excitement that will leave you breathless.