Bhagawan Uvacha Volume 1

Latest release: September 29, 2013

About this ebook series

The Bhagawan Uvacha series brings to devotees the world over, a compilation of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings in the form of quotations, skilfully compiled and woven together by Shri. N. S. Venkatesh, the compiler. In this book in the series, Bhagawan & Bhakta, our beloved Swami teaches His children about the relationship between God and His devotees.
In the words of the compiler, "How do you encapsulate the sweetness of the relationship between God and His devotee? How do you express the tender loving assurance of His constant presence? Listen now to Bhagawan speaking on this timeless, immortal relationship. Constant presence, constant support, and constant companionship. Drench yourself completely in His Love. Flip over to any page and listen."