The Billionaire's Daughter

3 books

 Claire Montgomery’s wealthy father has always given her
everything she’d wanted – as long as she toed the line. When she refuses her
father’s request for the first time, cancelling her engagement to the most
successful bachelor at his firm, she discovers exactly how far he’ll go to
punish her. 

Fleeing to San Francisco she experiences true independence
for the first time, sharing a house with other women and finding work in a
coffee shop owned by Jordan Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Jordan's
involvement in the BDSM scene both intrigues and frightens her and Claire
desperately tries to resist her growing attraction to him.

Breaking her
engagement has cost Claire her family. If she follows her instincts and submits
to Jordan will she be risking her new found freedom?

12,000 word story contains ADULT THEMES and GRAPHIC SEX ACTS.


Claire smiled. “You know, I can’t imagine you…” she gestured to the pictures
on the wall.
“Cause I’m such a likeable guy?”
Claire shrugged. “Well…

Jordan sobered. He straightened to his full, considerable height
and loomed over her. Claire was suddenly very, very unsure of herself. Jordan
stripped the coffee cup from her hand and set it on the table.

He stood
inches away, looking down at her with eyes that were suddenly a flinty steel
grey. He tipped her chin up with one finger and simply held her gaze. She tried
to glance away but found she couldn’t.

He spoke in a deep, solemn voice.
“How about now?”
She swallowed, hard, and nodded. “Now I can,” she admitted
in a whisper.
He smiled, a slow, easy grin and placed a kiss on the top of
her head. “That’s a girl.”

free, freebie, billionaire bdsm, bdsm erotic romance, erotica, bestselling

The Billionaire's Daughter is now also
available to purchase as a complete trilogy. Get all three stories at once and
make sexy savings! See my author information for details.