Knowledge Is Power

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Latest release: February 20, 2024
Design, Graphics & Media · Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition · Artificial Intelligence
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About this ebook series

This is a simple short proposal microbook aimed at making an impact on your next proposal.  It is not preachy and not long so you can finish it before you start on that next contract tender.  It's worth the cost if it helps 10% into a better proposal.

I have written successful proposals worth millions of dollars, and I have reviewed and scored proposals worth almost as much.  I have condensed my experience down to a microbook and a premium version with examples.

This basic book is prescriptive not descriptive. It explains things to consider not knowing what your area is; rather than going through long examples that might not make sense. It makes 6 or 7 important points quickly rather than dressing them in 200 pages of fluff.

In fact, it's written like an effective proposal. Succinct, on point, and meets the requirements.  In this case, the requirements are: how can you write more effective proposals?