Table of Contents
Dad Do Not Preach [and Mom too!]
It Is for Your Own Good
Stop Crying!
You Disappoint Me/You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself
This Is beyond Your Capacities and Capabilities
Big Boys and Girls Are Not Afraid at All…
You are a Bad Boy…
After All the Sacrifices We Have Done for You…
You Are so Fat/Unattractive
Author Bio
Parenthood is definitely no sinecure. Also, it is rather a daunting prospect for a first-time parent to be confronted with the responsibility, idea and worry of bringing up a child in a proper, healthy, normal fashion, and a secure familial atmosphere. Once upon a time, it was very easy for adults to give the responsibility of their children into the hands of the elders of the family, the clan, the tribe, and bringing up a child was the responsibility of every experienced person in the family, including elder children.