Summer Shorts

7 books

These stories feature mature situations intended for adults.

Short stories that trace the private lives of residents drawn to a small town named Carnal. Meet Joe Murphy, a parent that thinks pretty highly of himself and his standing in this small town, until he hires a girl to help him at home and discovers that he is driven in ways he'd never imagined. Joanie Salinger attends an all-girl Catholic school, but there is some crazy karma happening when she uses a camera to get even with her boyfriend. Jenna Morris longs for something more her first week outside of Saint Joseph's Orphanage for abandoned girls. On the outskirts of Carnal, she must forgo her mentor's approval to gain her heart's desire. Lisa reconsiders her entire life once she finds herself up against a wall, south of the boarder. And Ryan Reeves, a maverick teacher, is willing to go to any lengths to help his students succeed.