This first volume of the Star Trails Tetralogy, a science fiction series for teens and young adults, begins with a familiar scene, a heated conflict between two siblings. Creena Brightstar is 14, her brother, Dirck, 17 and neither has any clue how their latest altercation will change not only their lives but that of their entire family forever. The story begins with the Brightstar family uncomfortably crammed into a small cabin on a starship immigrating to Cyraria where their father has a prestigious assignment as the planet's chief terralogist. However, in a desperate attempt for some alone time following their latest argument Creena accidentally sets in motion a chain of events that will not only separate her farther from Dirck than she ever imagined, but scatter her entire family throughout the galaxy, each to face harrowing situations the likes of which they've never seen.
Or was it an accident? With their father's abilities in high demand, certain power-hungry individuals will stop at nothing to achieve domination, including exploiting the situation in devious and potentially deadly ways. Creena and Dirck soon discover that their comfortable homeworld has left them woefully unprepared for the intrigue, danger, chaos and adventure they encounter, not only in this volume, but in the three that follow. Choices, even seemingly small, insignificant ones, can have tremendous consequences as each character discovers in this fast-moving space adventure.