Spend a year falling in love in quaint and quirky small-town Minden, Indiana. This refreshing Christian romance series features swoony heroes, strong heroines, and loads of small town charm.
Fall for the grumpy widower in Falling on Main Street, wish for more with the best friend in Winter Wishes, swoon for the sexy single-dad doctor in Spring Fever, and see what's behind the well-polished exterior of the deliciously geeky teacher in Summer to Remember. And don't forget to watch the small town's favorite wise mother-figure get her chance at happily ever after with the new silver fox chef working at the local cafe in Kissing in the Kitchen.
The Season of Love Series is a completed four-book series of stand-alone romances.
1) Falling on Main Street
2) Winter Wishes
3) Spring Fever
4) Summer to Remember
*) Kissing in the Kitchen (bonus novella)