1巻では悪党・楠木正成の前半生を描く! 後醍醐天皇の挙兵に呼応して鎌倉幕府
第一帖 犬追物
第二帖 無礼講
第三帖 正中の変
第四帖 元弘の乱
第五帖 楠木正成登場
第六帖 笠置山の合戦
第七帖 松の下露
第八帖 阿新丸
第九帖 赤坂城攻防戦
The Taiheiki 1 Masashige Kusunoki? The episode of Kasagi
After the Genpei war, the world became peaceful by the domination of the samurai, who came after the Mongolian Invasions. However, the peace didn’t last long. That generation needed the heroes like Masashige Kusunoki, Takauji Ashikaga and? Yoshisada Nitta. In “The Taiheiki”, which was created by the master of the historical Manga?Masamichi Yokohama, lots of the heroes will be described so lively. Chapter1 is talking about the first half life of the evil guy?Masashige Kusunoki!?
To support Emperor Go-Daigo, Masashige raised his army against the Kamakura shogunate……
太平?(一)?? 楠木正成? 笠置卷
在源平合?后,元寇之后到来的武士?始了?治,天下太平。但是平和的日子并没能?持?多久。 ?代?望着如同楠木正成、足利尊氏、新田義貞等英雄的出?。 ?史漫画的巨匠大?横山正道将在?本“太平?”中描?各路英雄的生存方式!第一卷将会描写?党楠木正成的前半生,?呼?推翻幕府政?而起?的楠木正成,等待他的将会是……。