WARNING: Antifa will always be after you and your family if you are an “American.” Antifa represents organized and continuous intimidation and violence. Rather than social justice protesters with noble causes, Antifa are trained, armed, and organized terrorists for hire. Their victims include whoever is against their credence of total anarchy. Antifa arose from para-military factions and has been likened to a militia. They have aligned with, and take money from, the forces behind the American far Left.
Marxist Antifa-progenitors first arose in the Bolshevik Revolution starting in 1917 as paramilitary and found themselves instrumental in finally bringing down the Russian government in 1923.
Antifa groups then migrated to a politically embroiled Germany as the Russians began exporting Marxism to China in 1921 to penetrate the Nationalist Party. Mao Zedung joined up soon thereafter and would catch Stalin’s eye and support to become Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party and the world’s most deadly totalitarian ruler.
The Bolshevik goal was to establish communist dictatorships through violence. They wanted to do to Germany and China what they had done to Russia, help overthrow the government through Marxist violent revolution. The largest Antifa organization was officially named in 1932 as an affiliate of the Communist Party of Germany and also had paramilitary roots.
Antifa was under the leadership of the committed Stalinist and leader of the Communist Party of Germany, Ernst Thälmann.
The terrorist group was so ruthless and violent that they drove many Germans to vote for Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party, the Nazi Party. Of course, the Nazis would become Antifa’s sworn enemy and downfall. Thalmann’s fate was alleged to be shot in a Nazi concentration camp after a long prison term.
Antifa members today are also Satanists, like the Dayton Shooter, and/or members of the Democrat Socialists of America, which are some 50,000 strong. The Dayton shooter's vest bears "Against All Gods" and occult patches.
The Dayton shooter’s notebook shows the devil's pentagram and "Lucifer" references.
Modern Antifa groups in the United States and Europe have been documented to receive funding and support from Leftist radicals such as George Soros’ Open Society groups. Antifa’s behavior has been likened to the intimidating goon squads of Hitler’s Brown Shirts or Mussolini’s Black Shirts. Recently they tried to shut down any free speech or protests by conservatives in the United States and Europe. Another Antifa epicenter, much like Portland, Oregon, is East Germany.
Antifa participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement in America.
Antifa, if anything, are Communists but who don’t want organized government at all. Communism was invented by rich bankers and industrialists of England, France, and the United States to topple governments and replace them with a totalitarian rule. The Rothschilds banking magnate family funded two Communist authors to create Communism out of concepts of Satanism, Adam Weishaupt of the Illuminati around 1776, and Karl Marx in the mid 19th century.
This book not only explores the history of Antifa and its ideology and its main actions but also explores in depth the origin and nature of Marxism as arising from a foundation of Satanism directed against the Christian Church. Evidence that Karl Marx lived as a Satanist bubbles up to stun the reader.