Dr. Jim Sagacity is a Marriage and Family Therapist that has the special ability to see deep inside other people. He can see their souls. He volunteers at a Philadelphia hospital in order to be as close to death as possible, for during most fatalities, he watches the spirit of the recently deceased depart this world in a display of pure joyous wonder. Throughout his life, he celebrates his ability in secret, focusing on the sheer elation of these transitions, until one day he is shown that not all souls are willing or able to take that all important step to the next realm. Weaker souls, small and dim to Jim’s eyes, face a darker fate.
With a new understanding of what death might mean, Dr. Sagacity joins a group of other specially gifted people in hopes of assisting those spirits he believes lack the strength to move on to a new existence. Pooling their incredible and supernatural talents, they pinpoint those individuals that are facing death in the very near future. Jim Sagacity experiences the complexities of working with others focused beyond the constraints of this physical realm, but within a society attentive to the normal realities of death, despair and even murder. He finds that not everyone shares his views, that the truth can often be distorted, and that the world he lives in can be a very difficult and dangerous place.