Discover The Griffin Sanctuary series, where mythical zookeeper and trainee vet Charlotte tends to mythical beasts including unicorns, dragons, kitsunes, fairies, and more. The Griffin Sanctuary is an urban fantasy series with a slow burn sapphic romantic sub-plot.
Caring for unicorns isn't all rainbows and sunshine.
Animal lover and keeper-in-the-making Charlotte couldn't be more excited to start her apprenticeship at the Griffin Sanctuary. Working with the unicorns is a dream come true, even if she's just a glorified stablehand at the moment. It's all worth it when she gets to help a rescued unicorn without a horn settle in.
However, she's not the only one willing to put up with the demanding hours of working at a mythical zoo. Rival apprentices from elite schools all want jobs at the Griffin Sanctuary too and Charlotte will have to use all her wits to keep her place as a unicorn keeper.
The Unicorn Herd is book 1 in the modern fantasy Griffin Sanctuary series. It is packed full of adventure, mythical creatures, and a sapphic romantic sub-plot.
If you enjoy mythical creatures, zoo documentaries, slow burn sapphic romantic sub-plots, and a heroine who loves animals, you're going to love The Unicorn Herd.