Bhagawan Uvacha Volume 3

Latest release: September 23, 2014

About this ebook series

Dharma is generally used in two contexts. One, as duty and the second, as righteousness. Every individual dons a number of roles during his Earthly sojourn. He plays the part of a son, a father, a friend, a disciple, a husband, a professional, a seeker. Each of these roles dictates a certain code of conduct, do’s and don’ts that govern his decisions at various points. One’s dharma serves as guiding star during moments of internal conflict. It serves as a benchmark to action. Understanding the nature of dharma is imperative to holistic decision-making in a world that offers a million options. “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha,” it is said. Dharma protects its protector. Listen to Bhagawan as He speaks of the nature of Dharma and its role in one’s life.