Greatest Con In The History Of The Human Race

Latest release: January 29, 2016
Marketing & Communications · Crowdfunding · Social Media

About this ebook series

Written by Matrix Thompson & Sarika Khambaita and published by the Pamper Me Network, "Social Networking Is The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity" is the first installment in “The Greatest Con In The History Of The Human Race" ebook series. The three part series takes a fresh look at social networking, crowd funding & Internet-based marketing systems, with a focus on teaching individuals and small business owners how they can level the playing field, share in the bounty the Internet offers and market like multinational corporations. 

Social Networking Is The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity encourages individuals and small business owners to open their eyes and question the motives of Internet companies, especially social media networks, game developers and crowd funding portals that launch self-serving user-generated content business models. Although the title of the book is provocative, Social Networking Is The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity is an instructional manual for individuals and small business owners that want to share in the bounty that the Internet offers. This book revisits the techniques used by successful Internet companies including Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Linkedin and others to build huge opt-in databases as well as create generational wealth. 

Having explained the origins and founding missions of the World Wide Web, Social Networking Is The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity and subsequent volumes in the ebook series goes on to explain how the Internet has changed—and how it has been corrupted to create a state of instability where some Internet stakeholders are enslaving others. The ebook then demonstrates how the enslavement has expanded into social gaming, mobile gaming and will soon include crowd funding.

While the ebook is extremely critical of some Internet business models and Internet entrepreneurs who are described in “Volume I” as the “Forces For Good” and the “Forces For Evil”, Social Networking Is The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity was written to demonstrate that the original noble and achievable goals of the Internet have somehow been corrupted by a new generation and self-serving entrepreneurs—and explains why content creation as well as new innovations like crowd funding must be a true partnership between Internet users and businesses for it to be sustainable, and supporting the growing trend towards social entrepreneurialism.


The Greatest Con In History Or The Greatest Opportunity ebook series provides a road map that can be used by anyone to transform their own personal network into a powerful source of revenue. Read the ebook series if you want to find out the secrets behind the “Greatest Con In The History Of The Human Race”. How and why Google is the only company that has allocated a significant portion of its resources to clean up the mess made by its competitors. And why Google will usher in a paradigm shift and in doing so create a new generation of wealth for everyone willing to work hard.

In Volume II of the “Greatest Con In The History Of The Human Race” ebook series you will discover secrets that will teach how Social Rewards technology and self-replicating online contest technology is revolutionizing the way experts and small businesses market themselves.  The series of ebooks introduce the revolutionary ideas behind social royalties (social rewards technology), self-replicating contest technology, self-replicating fan networks and illustrates how crowd funding when combined with social rewards technology is helping to create a new generation of entrepreneurs.


You will love the entire series of ebooks. Join us on this journey by purchasing each volume individually or pre-order the entire series to be released in 2016. In the end, you will:


·        Personally experience a new way to finance content production, launch new products and build self-replicating networks of supporters whom are rewarded to spread your message.

·        Insure yourself against failure by joining social media networks powered by Social Rewards technology;

·        Combine your personal network with that of millions of social influencers to make virtually anyone successful and create generational wealth;

·        Combine your social power with the crowd to succeed at fund raising and, or product launches even when your primary initiative is a commercial failure;

·        Learn how crowd funding technology when combined with social rewards technology will revolutionize, disrupt traditional sources of financing.