A D Ellis

Escape into addictive, sexy, emotional romance.A.D. Ellis is an Indiana girl, born and raised. She spends much of her time in central Indiana as an instructional coach/teacher in the inner city of Indianapolis, being a mom to two amazing school-aged children, and wondering how she and her husband of nearly two decades haven't driven each other insane yet. A lot of her time is also devoted to phone call avoidance and her hatred of cooking.She loves chocolate, wine, pizza, and naps along with reading and writing romance. These loves don't leave much time for housework, much to the chagrin of her husband. Who would pick cleaning the house over a nap or a good book? She uses any extra time to increase her fluency in sarcasm.A.D. uses she/they pronouns.FREE books-- sign up at bit.ly/ADEllisNews for a FREE male/female romance.Sign up at http://www.subscribepage.com/ADEllisNewsMMRomance for a FREE male/male romance book.