Ahmad Altasan

Experience: English Language Teacher at Secondary Commercial Institute from 1999 to 2003 Lecturer at ArRass Technical College from 2004 to 2013 Head of General Studies Department at ArRass Technical College from 2013 to present. Education: University of Western Sydney Master of Arts (TESOL) with Distinction 2008 – 2009 Al Qassim University Bachelor's Degree, English Language and Translation 1996 – 1999 Publications: Altasan, A. M. B. (2016). The Pragmalinguistic Competence in Requests: A Comparison between One Native and Two Non-native Speakers of English. American Journal of Educational Research, 4(4), 353-359. Altasan, A. M. B. (2016). English Language Provision in Australia within the Global Context of ELT. American Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 563-569. Altasan, A. M. B. (2016). Motivational orientations and their effect on English Language Learning: A Study in EFL Saudi Context. American Journal of Educational Research, 4(16), 1131-1137.