PROLOGUE When Alexander asked me to write the prologue to this novel, I didn’t hesitate for a minute. Of course, I’d already read some of his previous work and was hoping I’d get a look at the text that he’d already talked to me about several months before. I must say that I have not been at all disappointed following Francisco’s adventures in Dubai while he investigates the mysterious murder that occurred there. A quick read, a very good story – which does not lack moments of humor – and characters (especially Francisco) with whom it is easy to relate. I could go on about the novel, but since you already have it in your hands, and are surely anxious to start reading it, I will only tell you a little bit about the author. I met Alexander Copperwhite on a casual basis, through a network of networks. Since then, despite our geographical separation, I have been fortunate enough to run into him at various literary events: presentations, interviews, and signings. A writer to the core, always with some idea about a book or a story, and always ready to lend a hand and advise anyone who wants – or should I say anyone who is foolish enough - to take the first steps in the hard, though rewarding, world of the written word. I’ll end this little introduction hoping that you enjoy Black, as I have. David J. Skinner