Amorah Quan Yin was born in Irvine, a small town in Kentucky, on November 30, 1950. She passed away on June 13, 2013, after an auto accident on Everett Memorial Highway, Mt. Shasta, California. Amorah was a natural healer and psychic since birth. She adopted the name Amorah Quan Yin in 1993 after a direct experience of Quan Yin during meditation. She lived in Mt. Shasta for 24 years and there founded the Dolphin Star Temple in 1998. She often said that Mt. Shasta was the only place she ever felt at home. She loved the mountain for its high and unique energy and for the beauty of the surrounding nature. Amorah wrote 4 books before Oneness. The Pleiadian Workbook, The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook, Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution, and Affinity. These were published in 12 languages. She also recorded hundreds of CDs. She never wanted to be the center of attention, she was rather shy.