Andrew Sach is a contemporary evangelical Christian pastor, speaker and author. He is an ordained Church of England minister and holds a doctorate in neuroscience. He has written several Christian books and is a regular speaker at Word Alive and other conferences.
As an 18-year-old Sach was an atheist and viewed Christians as "naive, superstitious and ignorant". Whilst reading Natural Sciences as an undergraduate at St John's College, University of Cambridge, Sach was contacted by the Christian Union who challenged him to think about whether or not the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a historical fact or not. He eventually concluded that it was, and became a Christian. After his degree, Sach worked as an apprentice for a year at the church of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge.
Sach then did a doctorate in neuroscience at the University of York. He published three scientific papers on auditory spatial attention.
He then worked for St Helen's Bishopsgate in London for three years. Whilst there he studied part-time at the Cornhill Training Course. From there went to Oak Hill Theological College to train for ordination in the Church of England.