Anna Triss devoured her first fantasy novel as a teenager and fell in love with this literary genre. This event marked the beginning of an unconditional passion: writing.Enclosed in her little bubble, she escapes into her own universe thanks to her pen, guided by her imagination and madness. Publishing is a long-time dream come true. With a degree in art history and archaeology, married and mother of a little boy, this passionate author lives in La Rochelle, France, where she writes intense stories populated by atypical heroes, always charismatic, often badass, with developed psychology. She writes in a variety of genres (fantasy, contemporary romance, urban fantasy, dark romance) and has several bestsellers to her credit, including La Reine Courtisane, an enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance tinged with magic and secrets. In addition to reading, Anna loves art, travel, TV shows, movies, and... dragons!