Hadi Sutopo, alias Ariesto Hadi Sutopo is a researcher and multimedia practitioner.He has written many books on multimedia, information technology, computer graphics,and educational technology. In addition, many articles on the topic are publishedin international journals and proceedings.Hadi Sutopo alias Ariesto Hadi Sutopo alias Topaz worked as a painting artistand graphic designer before working as a lecturer. As a multimedia practitioner, he integratesart with technology, which has led him to become a resource person in variousinstitutions at home and abroad. There are many artworks on the NFT marketplace,especially OpenSea.Hadi Sutopo is a senior member of the International Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Association of Computer Scienceand Information Technology (IACSIT). He is also a member of the Association of ComputingMachinery (ACM). He also serves the Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) as a memberof the Technology Commission.