Beca Lewis

Beca Lewis is the owner of The Shift Center and Perception Publishing, and is the founder of The Shift(R) System. As a personal and business coach, consultant, author, and speaker, Beca is dedicated to helping people fulfill their life's purpose, using a 7-Step System called The Shift(R), which works from the inside out, from perception to reality. Beca's intention in everything she writes and teaches is to share the unbreakable principle that what you perceive to be reality magnifies, and to reveal the secret of the marriage of personal spirituality and practicality! Her system helps each of us shift out of old beliefs and stuck situations and into the life that becomes the stuff of our dreams. She teaches us that nothing changes until we do, and then it will change in the direction we have chosen. This makes it imperative to uncover and shift our personal perception so we can consciously choose wisely. Beca's spiritually based Shift System(R) makes change a joy It enables each of us to keep all that is currently good in our life, while expanding what is possible, and to break free from the prison of limited perceptions, habits, and paradigms. Find more about this system at The Shift(R).com Beca is the author of numerous Ecourses, articles, and books and has a background in the arts as a dancer, and in business as a Certified Financial Planner. This diversity, along with a variety of life-challenges, helped set the groundwork for her system that starts with possibilities, and practicality.