Ben Rawlins

Ben Rawlins is the Director of Library Services at the Ensor Learning Resource Center at Georgetown College in Georgetown, KY. In addition to his role as Director, Ben is in charge of the library’s website, mobile presence, and other digital services. He has developed several mobile websites and applications for the iOS and Android operating systems. He has presented at several national conferences including the LITA National Forum, ALA Midwinter, ALA Annual, Computers in Libraries, and the Handheld Librarian Conference on a variety of topics related to mobile services in libraries. He is the author of the book Mobile Devices: A Practical Guide for Librarians and has co-authored articles that have been published in Kentucky Libraries, The Reference Librarian, and Mobile Library Services: Best Practices. In addition to his Masters in Library and Information Science, Ben also holds a MA in History. He can be reached at [email protected].