Bill Jelenis the host of and the author of 18 books on Microsoft Excel, including "Special Edition Using Excel 2007," "Pivot Table Data Crunching," "VBA & Macros for Microsoft Excel," "Excel for Marketing Managers," and "Guerilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel," He has made more than 60 guest appearances on "TechTV"with Leo Laporte and was voted guest of the year on the "Computer America"radio show. He has produced more than 600 episodes of his daily video podcast "Learn Excel from MrExcel." Bill will entertain you while showing you the powerful tricks in Excel. Before founding in 1998, Jelen spent 12 years in the trenches as a financial analyst for the accounting, finance, marketing, and operations departments of a publicly held company. Since then, his company has automated Excel reports for hundreds of clients around the world. The website answers more than 30,000 questions a year--for free--for readers all over the world. Jelen joins us from Akron, Ohio.