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Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson and his wife Brenda Johnson are the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Johnson is a fifth generation pastor.
Removing the Sting of Death: Experience New Depths of God's Presence in Times of Pain, Grief, and Loss
The Essential Guide to Healing: Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick
When Heaven Invades Earth
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life
A Life of Miracles: 365-Day Guide to Prayer and Miracles
Hosting the Presence: Unveiling Heaven's Agenda
God is Good: He's Better Than You Think
Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind Expanded Edition: Access to a Life of Miracles
The Resting Place: Living Immersed in the Presence of God
Release the Power of Jesus
Defining Moments: Kathryn Kuhlman: Hosting the Presence
Defining Moments: Carrie Judd Montgomery: The Power of the Testimony
The Presence of God
The Way of Life: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth
A Daily Invitation to Friendship with God: Dreaming With God to Transform Your World
Options Trading 101: From Theory to Application
When Heaven Invades Your Life: Living in the Miraculous Every Day
Open Heavens: Position Yourself to Encounter the God of Revival
Dreaming with God: Co-Laboring with God for Cultural Transformation
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God
Changing Your World: The Effect of Praise on Our Surroundings: The Revival Collection Transcript
Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy: The Supernatural Power of Testimony
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: 40 Day Devotional and Personal Journal
The Power of Communion: Accessing Miracles Through the Body and Blood of Jesus
Raising Giant-Killers: Releasing Your Child's Divine Destiny through Intentional Parenting
Anointed to Heal: True Stories and Practical Insight for Praying for the Sick
Defining Moments: Rees Howells: Prophetic Intercession
Defining Moments: Smith Wigglesworth: Prevailing Faith
Encountering the Goodness of God: 90 Daily Devotions
Bible Promises and Prayers for Children: Releasing Your Child's Divine Destiny
From Glory to Glory: The Revival Collection Transcript
The Real Faith with Annotations and Guided Readings by Bill Johnson: The Supernatural Impartation to Receive Miracles: House of Generals Revival Classics Library
Dear Peanut: Life Lessons from Grandpa Grumps
In the Water: 60 Days in the Overflowing Presence of the Holy Spirit
Releasing the Force of Faith Decrees: Speaking Words that Carry the Spirit and Life of Jesus
Cornerstone: A Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible: 20 Immersive Accounts of Jesus from Throughout the Scriptures
The Way of Life Leader's Guide: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth
How to Respond to Disaster: By Living Anchored in the Goodness of God
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Study Guide: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life
Faith Anchored in the Unseen: The Revival Collection Transcript
The Power of Communion with 40-Day Prayer Journey (Leather Gift Version): Accessing Miracles Through the Body and Blood of Jesus
The Holy Spirit: Who He Is and Why We Can't Live Without Him
The Glory Has Come: Encountering the Wonder of Christmas [An Advent Devotional]
Breaking the Spirit of Poverty: The Revival Collection Transcript
Defining Moments: Randy Clark: The Grace of Impartation
An Apple for the Road: Wisdom for Life
Abundance with a Purpose: The Revival Collection Transcript
The Mind of God: How His Wisdom Can Transform Our World
God is Really Good
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind Study Guide: Access to a Life of Miracles
The King's Way of Life
HOPE in Any Crisis: Stop Fear and Release God's Goodness In Uncertain Times
Defining Moments John Wesley: Encountered by Love
Born for Significance Study Guide: Master the Purpose, Process, and Peril of Promotion
Born for Significance: Master the Purpose, Process, and Peril of Promotion
Divine Encounters: Your Invitation to Experience the Life-Changing Presence of God
God is Good Interactive Manual
Longevity: The Revival Collection Transcript
Heaven: Our Model for Life and Ministry: The Revival Collection Transcript
Defining Moments: God-Encounters with Ordinary People Who Changed the World (Spiritual Biographies of John Wesley, Charles G. Finney, Dwight L. Moody, Smith Wigglesworth, Evan Roberts, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Heidi Baker, and More
Your Journey to Significance: A Daily Discovery of Who God Created You to Be
Born of the Sea
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind Leader's Guide: Access to a Life of Miracles
The Way of Life Interactive Manual: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth
Defining Moments: John G. Lake: Dominion over the Powers of Darkness
The Church of Power: The Revival Collection Transcript
Practical Skipper: Essential notes and checklists for day and coastal skippers
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Leader's Guide: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life
Defining Moments: Evan Roberts: Led by the Spirit
Defining Moments: Aimee Semple McPherson: Spiritual Hunger
Rejoice Into Joy: Three Keys to Experiencing the Fullness of Heaven's Joy
Mornings and Evenings in His Presence: A Lifestyle of Daily Encounters with God
Grace...Hell Yes!: The Revival Collection Transcript
Face to Face With God: Get Ready for a Life-Changing Encounter with God
The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible: 20 Immersive Stories from the Four Gospels
Defining Moments: Dwight L. Moody: Laying Foundations for Legacy
Experiencing Jesus Through Communion: A 40-Day Prayer Journey to Unlock the Deeper Power of the Lord's Supper
Defining Moments: Charles G. Finney: Pursuing Holiness
Is God Really Good?: Bill Johnson Answers Your Toughest Questions about the Goodness of God
The Way of Life: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth
Defining Moments: Heidi Baker: Complete Surrender
Defining Moments: Maria Woodworth-Etter: Courage for the Call
Meeting God Face to Face: Daily Encouragement to Seek His Presence and Favor
Cuando El Cielo Invade la Tierra: Una Guia Practica Para Una Vida de Milagros
Momentos con Jesús – Biblia de Encuentros (Spanish Edition): 20 Historias de Interacción con los Cuatro Evangelios
Cómo formar vencedores de gigantes: Impulse con intención el destino divino de sus hijos
Momentos de definición: Encuentros con Dios que cambiaron el mundo
Cuando el cielo invade la Tierra, Teens
Café espiritual
Dios es bueno
Un estilo de vida
Sanar sin métodos
El Espíritu Santo: Quién es y por qué no podemos vivir sin Él
Cielos Abiertos (Spanish Edition): Posiciónate para encontrarte con el Dios de avivamiento
Quando o céu invade a terra: Guia prático para uma vida de milagres