Bracken Mkhuma

Bracken Mkhuma was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He was brought up in the house of God. While he was still young, her mother taught him about Jesus Christ and His salvation. Bracken was born again at the age of twelve. After serving the Lord for several years, he backslid for a season. The Spirit of the Lord would not release him, and he came back and gave his life anew to Christ. He still serves Him faithfully. One of the nights, Jesus appeared to him in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations. Since that time, he has received many visitations from the Lord. He has also received many visions of heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time. The movement of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in all his services, and many miracles have occurred in them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of power are manifested in his meetings as the Spirit of God leads and empowers him. He loves the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength and desires above all else to be a soul winner for Jesus Christ. His calling is specifically in the area of dreams, visions, and revelations.