BRANDON MCMILLAN, former host of the Emmy Award-winning television show Lucky Dog (CBS) and host of Shark Week (Discovery), has spent his entire life learning about and working with all types of animals-from household pets to the wildest of untamed beasts. Born into a family of animal trainer entertainers, McMillan has been training wild animals since childhood. He jokes that he's been "picking up tiger poop" as far back as he can remember. His early years around animal performers gave him valuable skills he uses in his career as a Los Angeles-based animal trainer for many of Hollywood's A-list celebrities (Ellen DeGeneres, Andy Cohen, Rod Stewart, James Caan, Chris Hardwick, Wolfgang Puck, Hugh Hefner, Don Cheadle, Snoop Dogg, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Presley, and Ronda Rousey) and for films and television.