Bruce Allen is a man who desires to see the whole body of Christ radically transformed, moving and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit. He is gifted in the prophetic teaching ministry and used of the Lord throughout the nations equipping the Third Day Church and preparing a people of destiny to move in miracles, signs and wonders. Unusual manifestations of the Lord are known to occur in his meetings impacting lives and igniting a greater zeal and passion for the Lord. Bruce's mandate in this hour is to 'Prepare the way of the Lord' by imparting, activating and releasing the Body of Christ into their God given calling. He helped pioneer Storehouse Celebration Church in Seattle, WA, Real Life Christian Center in Temecula, CA, and was the administrator of Storehouse School of Ministry in the Northwest. Bruce is the author of Promise of the Third Day Church that depicts the changing of the church into His glorious Church and spotless Bride.