Charles C. Johnson

Charles C. Johnson is an investigative journalist and researcher. His work has appeared in such outlets as the Wall Street Journal, L.A. Times, City Journal, The New Criterion, Reason, Sun News, Fox News, The Daily Caller, and The Claremont Review of Books. His work has been mentioned on dozens of radio talk shows, including the Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Dennis Prager shows, and he has been the recipient of both the Robert L. Bartley Fellowship and Eric Breindel Award at the WSJ, the Robert Novak Award at the Philips Foundation, and the Publius Fellowship at the Claremont Institute. He lives in the greater Los Angeles-area with his wife and is presently writing a biography of Barack Obama. He is the author of Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from America’s Most Underrated President (Encounter Books, 2013).