Prof. Chittaranjan Kole is an internationally reputed scientist with an illustrious professional career of spanning over thirty-seven years and original contributions in the fields of plant genomics, biotechnology, and molecular breeding leading to the publication of more than 160 quality research articles and reviews. He has edited over 150 books for the leading publishers of the world including Springer Nature, Wiley-Blackwell, and Taylor and Francis Group. His scientific contributions and editing acumen have been appreciated by seven Nobel Laureates including Profs. Norman Borlaug, Arthur Kornberg, Werner Arber, Phillip Sharp, G邦nter Blobel, Lee Hartwell, and Roger Kornberg. He has been honored with a number of Fellowships, Honorary Fellowships, and national and international awards including the Outstanding Crop Scientist Award conferred by the International Crop Science Society. He has served at all prestigious positions in academia including as Vice-Chancellor of BC Agricultural university, Project Coordinator of Indo-Russian Center of Biotechnology in India, and Director of Research of Institute of Nutraceutical Research of Clemson University, in USA. He worked also in the Pennsylvania State University and Clemson University as Visiting Professor in USA. He is also heading the International Climate-Resilient Crop Genomics Consortium and International Phytomedomics and Nutriomics Consortium as their founding Principal Coordinator and President.