Damien Rollins

Damien Rollins grew up like any other kid who had a love for sports and an absolute lack of co-ordination. He remembers taking a baseball to the face when he was nine, and nearly passing out from the resulting nosebleed. That was to remain a constant in his life. Twenty years later, a newly married Damien decided to give up the bustle of city life for a future in the countryside. His dexterity had increased a little and he became an avid outdoorsman, spending his spare time fishing in the nearby lake or exploring bike trails. He might have gotten over his clumsiness, but his distaste for blood continued. His wife is fond of relating a rather embarrassing tale of finding Damien passed out on the kitchen floor. Panic-stricken, she had placed a frantic call to the paramedics, only to later find out that the cause of his collapse was a nicked finger. Damien continues to deny this to anyone who will listen.So how to explain his special interest in Serial Killer cases? To be honest, it came about by accident. Damien was doing some research on violence against women as a favor for a friend. Having three sisters himself, he was appalled by what he came across...but never so much so as when he stumbled across pictures of Serial Killer victims. After much upchucking, Damien returned to read the details of the cases and became fascinated. What could compel one human being to exhibit such savagery against another? It was a question that haunted him and he eventually began looking into Serial Killers.By his own admission, his research sometimes gives him 'a bear of a headache', and his wife has invested in her own computer after being traumatized by some of the sites he's visited. Given her Stephen King fetish, Damien firmly believes this was just an excuse. Why take up such a macabre hobby? He'd like to have kids one day and says that his research might help him be better able to spot suspicious characters around them. He's even considering taking up some Psychology courses in order to better understand why bad people do what they do. In the meantime, he's decided to share some of what he's learnt about Serial Killers, with his own brand of twisted humor thrown in for good measure. He has the full support of his wife and his dog, Bud.