Hi I'm Dave Randolph and I own IronBody Fitness in Louisville, Kentucky. I have been a full time Fitness Professional since 2007 and I am a 6th degree black belt in Shaolin Do Chinese Martial arts.I've been studying Shaolin Do since late 1989 and started training with kettlebells in 2002. I am one of the first 100 people to ever be certified as an RKC under Pavel Tsatsouline and I was in the 2nd ever (Beta Cadre) training under Scott Sonnon and his CST system.I'm currently certified with Pavel as an RKC II, with Sonnon as a CST Instructor, in the IKFF as a CKT, and with Kettlebell Athletics and the American Kettlebell Club. I think I have more kb certs than anyone else! Oh and I'm also a level I CrossFit instructor.Here are my websitesIronBody FitnessSpartan Warrior Workout