David Boyle is a Lecturer in the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial College London. He has more than 14 years experience developing IoT technologies across academia and industry. His research interests lie at the intersection of complex sensing, actuation, and control systems (Cyber-Physical Systems), IoT and sensor network applications, data analytics, and digital economy. David was awarded his PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the University of imerick, Ireland, in 2009, following his B.Eng. (Hons) in Computer Engineering in 2005. His work has been recognized and awarded internationally and published in leading technical journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE) and Informatics (TII). He actively participates in a number of Technical Programs and Organizing Committees for the premier conferences in the field. Before joining the Dyson School of Design Engineering in 2018, David was a Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London since 2012. Previously, he worked with theWireless Sensor Network and icroelectronics Applications Integration Groups in the Microsystems Centre at Tyndall National Institute, and the Embedded Systems Research Group, University College Cork, Ireland. Prior to this, he was with France Telecom R&D Orange Labs, France, and a Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, Technical University of Madrid (ETSIT UPM), Spain