David Pond

David Pond (Washington) is a professional astrologer, national speaker, yoga teacher, writer and guide for spiritual journeys to sacred sites around the world. David was originally trained as an elementary school teacher. It was here that he learned how to present complex ideas in a simple manner. He then went on to gain a Master of Science Degree in Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University. His formal education complements his many years as a practicing professional astrologer, and his life long study of yoga and meditation, thus giving him an in-depth awareness of the field of metaphysics. A well respected member of the metaphysical community, David has co-author two books: The Metaphysical Handbook, which sold over 20,000 copies, and Crystals, Stones & Chakras. He is also a contributing author in Astrological Counseling and The Mountain Astrologer. David utilizes his skills by giving lectures, private consultations and taped readings. David has helped individuals find a deeper meaning in life, get in touch with their source of strength, improve relationship skills and identify and overcome problem areas. David and his wife Laura organize yearly trips to sacred sites such as Bali, the Yucatan and Hawaii.