David duChemin is a best-selling author of 32 books, award-winning photographer, and leading expert in the field of creativity. His podcast and book, A Beautiful Anarchy, help him share his message with tens of thousands: a rich and fulfilling creative life is for everyone-not just artists. David spent the last twelve years travelling the world as a humanitarian photographer and creativity workshop instructor on all seven continents. His adventures have taken him through winters in Russia and Mongolia and a summer on the Amazon, as well as months among nomads in the Indian Himalaya and remote Northern Kenya. Drawing on a previous twelve-year career in comedy, David brings a dynamic and engaging presence as a presenter in workshops, on camera, or on stages for corporations like Apple and Amazon. His expertise has been profiled in magazines and podcasts including Overland Journal, Elephant Journal and The Accidental Creative. You can find David at davidduchemin.com, on Instagram and Facebook as @davidduchemin, and you can listen to his podcast. A Beautiful Anarchy is a heart-felt kick-in-the-pants podcast for everyday creators and anyone who's ever mud-wrestled with their muse. These 15-minute episodes are an honest and sensitive exploration of the joys and struggles of the creative life. Let's talk about it. Listen on iTunes or aBeautifulAnarchy.com.