Debabrata Samanta

Debabrata Samanta is an Assistant Professor & Program Head, at the Department of Computing and Information Technologies, Rochester Institute of Technology, Kosovo, Europe. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engg. in the area of SAR Image Processing. He is keenly interested in Interdisciplinary Research and development and has experience spanning fields of SAR Image Analysis, Video surveillance, a Heuristic algorithm for Image Classification, Deep Learning Framework for Detection and Classification, Blockchain, Statistical Modelling, Wireless Adhoc Networks, Natural Language Processing. He has successfully completed six Consultancy Projects. He owns 22 Patents (4 Design Indian Patents and 2 Australian patents Granted, 16 Indian Patents published) and 2 copyrights. He has authored or co-authored over 224 research papers; he has co-authored 13 books and co-edited 13 books. He has presented various papers at international conferences and received Best Paper awards. He is an IEEE Senior Member, an Associate Life Member of the Computer Society of India (CSI), and a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).