Donna Rathmell has over 15 books published and has been writing her books, newsletters and magazine articles since 1989. In addition to writing, Donna and her husband have three teenage daughters who keep them very busy. As a volunteer exhibit guide at the South Carolina Aquarium, Donna has been introduced to the world of sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation. Recalling an accident suffered by one of her daughters, the ambulance ride to the trauma center, and transfer to a Children's Hospital for emergency surgery, Donna equates the turtle's care to what hospitalized children go through. She has combined her passion for children¿s books and her love of sea animals into the story of the turtles undergoing rehabilitative care. Donna and her sister, Doreen, co-authored Octavia Octopus and Her Purple Ink Cloud, which will be published by Sylvan Dell in the winter of 2006.