Dvora Yanow

Dvora Yanow is professor and chair of the Department of Public Administration, California State University, Hayward. Her research focus is shaped by an overall interest in the communication of meaning in organizational and policy settings. Her publications include articles on organizational learning from an interpretive-cultural perspective, the role of built space in communicating meaning, and local knowledge in organizational and policy contexts. She is the author of How Does a Policy Mean? Interpreting Policy and Organizational Actions (1996) and Conducting Interpretive Policy Analysis (2000). Her articles have been published in such journals as Policy Sciences, Administration & Society, the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Organization, Organization Science, and the Journal of Management Inquiry. In her nonacademic life, she reads mysteries; practices the piano, violin, and doumbek; folk dances and sings; grows tomatoes and herbs; and walks a fourteen-minute mile.