Emily Michel

Emily Michel read her first fairy tale before kindergarten and has been fascinated with speculative fiction of all kinds ever since. She's traveled the world as a military family member, calling many places in the US and Europe home. She settled in Arizona a few years ago with her husband and kids. When not writing, Emily reads, walks, crochets, and pets her feline overlords. Emily has volunteered her time to community organizations for the past twenty years and looks forward to taking a break in 2022 to concentrate on her writing and editing, which is a nice way of saying she's tired and needs some "me time." Socially awkward and extremely introverted, she nevertheless participates in social media. Check out @EmiMiWriter on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and even, dear God, TikTok. If you want to be the first to know release dates, cover reveals, and sales, sign up for her newsletter at her website.