Eric Bonabeau

The founder and Chief Scientist of Boston-based Icosystem Corporation,
Eric Bonabeau is one of the world's leading experts in complex systems
and distributed adaptive problem solving. His book Swarm Intelligence
has been a scientific bestseller for eight years and provided the
inspiration for another bestseller, Michael Chrichton's Prey. His
articles in Harvard Business Review (Swarm Intelligence, May 2001;
Predicting the Unpredictable, March 2002; Don't Trust Your Gut, May
2003; The Perils of the Imitation Age, June 2004; You Heard It Here
First, February 2005; What Is Luxury Without Variety?, February 2006;
The Two Faces of New Product Development, November 2007, to appear)
and MIT Sloan Management Review (Understanding and Managing Complexity
Risk, Summer 2007) have all been exploring the limits of human
decision making in a complex, decentralized and unpredictable world.

Eric's commercial experience includes years of research and
development in US and European telecommunications and software
companies. He sits on the advisory board of a number of Fortune 500
corporations. Prior to his current position, Eric was the CEO of
Eurobios, then a joint venture with Cap Gemini Ernst Young applying
the science of complex adaptive systems to business issues. He has
been a research director with France Telecom RD, an RD engineer with
Cadence Design Systems (in Lowell, MA, USA), and the Interval Research
Fellow at the Santa Fe Institute.

Eric is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journals Advances in Complex Systems
(World Scientific) and ACM Transactions on Adaptive and Autonomous
Systems (ACM Press) and serves as a member of the editorial board of
several scientific journals. In addition to Swarm
Intelligence and more than one hundred scientific articles, Eric
is the co-author of Self-Organization in Biological Systems (Princeton
University Press), a best-selling biology textbook. He has a Ph.D. in
Theoretical Physics from Paris-Sud University in France, and is an
alumnus of the two premier French universities: Ecole Polytechnique
and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des