Eric Rogers

Eric A. Rogers started out drawing stick figures but as he got older, and a little better, he would draw Saturday morning cartoons. Rogers would get up with his pencil and paper and slowly draw what he saw on TV. If he didn't get the character by the time the show went off, he would finish the drawing from memory. From there he would draw comics and sell them to his friends. Rogers loves to draw but there was a time in his life when he was ready to give up on that passion. That period was his first stint in college. Being mostly self-taught, he struggled and always felt one step behind his classmates. Some of his professors even told Rogers that he wasn't good enough. This led him to change his major and, unfortunately, flunk out of college. This was a low point in his life. Depressed and feeling as if he had no purpose in life, Rogers bounced from job to job until his future wife talked him into going back to school. He took her up on the challenge and decided to enroll in the private art school she suggested. The artist was not disappointed. With a fresh start he watched his skills, as well as his confidence, grow. And after two years, he graduated and received his Associate's degree. It was also during this time that God gave him the vision to start Kingdom Come and create a new generation of Christian comics. Angel Knight is just the beginning of so much more to come. With prayer and hard work, Rogers hopes to open the door for other young artists who share his experience and to inspire them to use their creative gifts for the glory of Christ.