Finn Collin

Finn Collin, born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1949. Mag. art. in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen in 1974, Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley in 1978. Dr. phil. in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen in 1985. Affiliated with the University of Copenhagen since 1988, professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen since 1998. Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2003. Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge in 1990, Visiting Scholar at University of California at Los Angeles in 1992, Visiting Scholar at University of California at Berkeley in 2008. Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Major publications in English: Theory and Understanding. A Critique of Interpretive Social Science, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985; Social Reality, Routledge, London, 1997.