Gary C. Price

Pastor Gary C. Price is the Senior Pastor of Omega Church and Ministries Center located in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been ministering to the Body of Christ for seventeen years under an anointing that deals specifically with the bondage of the inner-man. Pastor Price believes that the present day Church has lost the vision that Jesus Christ imparted to the Apostles before He departed to be enthroned with His Father. He also believes that the Church must be brought to repentance and humility through self denial in order for God to move in these last days. When listening to his words many have received the revelations of a prophetic voice calling the Church back to patriarchal authority and obedience to the Holy Spirit. His ministry began in 1984 after God prophetically called him to remove barriers that Satan has constructed to separate God from His people. The main barrier to be removed, he believes, is religious bondage to man-centered organizations. He has diligently sought the Lord for guidance on how to go about initiating the end-time deliverances to set the Body of Christ free.